I don't have many articles, especially about this topic, it is easy to find. However, the invitation is purely intended for objective and genuine reading, with an open mind of understanding. You can find it if you like, but I try to stay away from discourse that seems unproductive so I leave you with this: Medieval women bleaching their hair blonde so that they may attract a husband, Chinese women forcing foot binding onto themselves and daughters because that is what they are expected to do, Black women or other women of color having to chemically straighten/change their textured hair or other non-European features -- Women had (or have, in some modern cases) to conform to what men of the society or culture prefer, or they would not be suitable for marriage or having a space in the overarching community -- which sadly, meant everything for a woman's status historically. It is hegemonic rule, not choice-based. It is adhering to institutionalized preferences of men, who throughout history and different cultures, hold positions of authority, which gives them institutional power over women. Thus, "imposed." It is similar to arguing that no one forces you to work a job, you choose to get a job in order to "gain advantage". But that is refusing to acknowledge that you need to have a job in order to afford housing, food, security...basic human rights. Women adhered to the standards placed on them by men because they had to in order to attain or secure those exact rights.